Heart Murmuring

Heart Murmuring

I’m lucky.

Heart disease isn’t a big trend in my family. Sure, there’s some, my grandfather had some heart issues that contributed to his failing health, and my other grandfather died from a heart attack before I was old enough to remember meeting him.

Aaand now I’m reconsidering my luck. Especially since my doctor recently told me that my triglycerides were a little high – which apparently is not a good thing, because when I tried to fist-bump him he got mad.

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Forever Tired

Forever Tired

When you have kids, being tired becomes a way of life. A defining characteristic. Part of your personality.

Everyone gets tired as they get older, but when children are part of the equation, recovering lost energy is a lot more difficult. The idea of being able to catch up on sleep is a silly enough myth to begin with, but when you’re a parent desperate for an energy boost, it’s the straight-up Holy Grail.

So is it true? Are parents doomed to be forever tired? Or is there hope?

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Kids Change Everything

Kids Change Everything

Everyone is always talking about how having kids changes your perspective on things.

They say that when you experience life through the eyes of your innocent children, you appreciate the little things so much more. And I suppose it’s true.

But kids change everything in your life, not merely the way you look at it.

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Prenatal Message: I Hate Babies

Prenatal Message: I Hate Babies

Have you ever been curious about what I was like before I had kids? Or what I thought about kids when I was single and carefree? Well today is your lucky day!

Like most of you, I had a bit of a different take on kids and parents and parenting before I became a parent – I was not yet a part of the collective – and perhaps nothing I wrote encapsulates that different take better than this piece.

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Family Movie Nightmare

Family Movie Nightmare

For all the convenience that modern technology brings, there are plenty of annoyances that come with it. It’s kind of like our children, that way.

For all the joy they bring, there are plenty of annoyances to go with them, too.

When children and technology converge? Let’s just say I’m developing an ulcer, simply from choosing something to watch on family movie night!

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