My Most Popular Posts of 2013

My Most Popular Posts of 2013

2013 was the year Dad and Buried went national. I broke through on the Huffington Post and got exposed to a much bigger audience. I’m still not famous or rich, but a lot more people think I’m an asshole who hates his son, so that’s pretty cool.

Hopefully, 2014 will bring even more eyes to my blog, and I’ll continue to be as passionate about it as I was over the past year. I had more time to devote to this site in 2013 than I’d ever had before, and that allowed me to regularly write about three posts a week. I suspect that number will go down a bit in 2014 as my schedule gets busier, but I’ll do my best!

To close out 2013, I thought I’d list the year’s most popular posts (based on views). The following list contains a good mix of son-bashing, parent-bashing, Brony-questioning (the post that just wouldn’t die), and even life-loving posts. There might even be a serious one in there. But I hope not.

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Is “Dadholes” Bad for Dads?

Is “Dadholes” Bad for Dads?

I guess I’m not the same as most dads. Or most dad-bloggers.

I’m a member of the Facebook Dadbloggers community (come and join us!), and through it I’ve met a lot of great dads, some with blogs big, some with blogs small, some with no blogs at all! (Seriously. There’s a guy.) I get along with all of them, give or take, but I’m not the most vocal member of the group.

I think that’s because my sensibility is a little bit different. For example, I enjoyed the following video.

Read more about Is “Dadholes” Bad for Dads?

Fine. I’ll Give Some Thanks.

Fine. I’ll Give Some Thanks.

I’m not really the thankful type.

That’s not to say I’m not thankful for things, I’m just not the kind of guy that runs around telling people what I’m thankful for or how blessed I am.

But Thanksgiving is the one day a year even people like me are supposed to gush a bit. So here goes nothing!

Read more about Fine. I’ll Give Some Thanks.

Can You Be Happy Without Kids?

Can You Be Happy Without Kids?

As a world-famous blogger who hates his kid and once mentioned Bronies, I get A LOT of weird spam. Most of it regarding my penis.

Sometimes I actually get asked advice, and sometimes I get yelled at; sometimes I get praise, and sometimes an old teacher from high school reaches out to say hi. (Most of the time I get yelled at.)

Yesterday, I got an email that I initially thought was spam. I’m still not positive it’s not. Just in case, I’m responding to a reader who wants to know if she can be happy without kids.

Read more about Can You Be Happy Without Kids?

Six Reasons I Like Being Married

Six Reasons I Like Being Married

September is a busy month for the Buried clan.

My birthday was last week, my son’s was yesterday, and my anniversary is today. Tomorrow, I file for bankruptcy!

There are two reasons this blog exists: my wife and my son, and they are interchangeable. There wouldn’t be one without the other. It’s like the chicken and the egg. Except obviously my wife had to come first. Otherwise I’d have a lot of explaining to do.

So while yesterday I celebrated my son, today I celebrate my wife. Actually, in November I celebrate my wife; on her birthday. But also today. And on Christmas. And Valentine’s Day. And Mother’s Day. And a few random days throughout the year when she doesn’t expect it because if you don’t do that women start complaining that the romance is gone and where is the passion and you used to try harder before we were married and let me stop this right now because I LOVE being married and here are six reasons (in honor of our sixth anniversary!) why.

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