Pregnancy Perks for Guys

Pregnancy Perks for Guys

Men may not get to take part in the miracle of childbirth, but don’t feel bad, guys. There are some pregnancy perks for you too!

We’re a few months into life with two kids, and it’s pretty much going according to plan. Basically, we’re exhausted. But we have a cute little baby around who occasionally eases the pain. In fact, despite the exhaustion and the stress and the problematic logistics that come with adjusting to life with a newborn, Mom and Buried is thrilled to no longer be pregnant. She didn’t love round two.

I’m glad she’s feeling better. But I actually kind of miss it. Especially since we now have two kids and from where I stand that’s a hell of a lot harder than one and a half.

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Negative Impact

Negative Impact

Despite the fact that I’m more likely to classify myself as a realist, most people would probably say otherwise.

They consider me a pessimist, especially people who don’t know me well, or don’t share my sense of humor, and a cynic. Which is fine. I turn 40 this year, I’ve long stopped worrying about other people’s misconceptions.

But I do worry about how my children see me. And about the potential negative impact my personality might have on them.

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Premature Parenting Challenges

Premature Parenting Challenges

My son is five years old.

Sounds cute, right? He’s still little! He still snuggles with a blankey thing; he often mispronounces words in adorable ways; he still likes to sleep in our bed!

It all sounds downright Disney… unless you have a five-year-old of your own. Then it’s more like Tim Burton.

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Heart Murmuring

Heart Murmuring

I’m lucky.

Heart disease isn’t a big trend in my family. Sure, there’s some, my grandfather had some heart issues that contributed to his failing health, and my other grandfather died from a heart attack before I was old enough to remember meeting him.

Aaand now I’m reconsidering my luck. Especially since my doctor recently told me that my triglycerides were a little high – which apparently is not a good thing, because when I tried to fist-bump him he got mad.

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Forever Tired

Forever Tired

When you have kids, being tired becomes a way of life. A defining characteristic. Part of your personality.

Everyone gets tired as they get older, but when children are part of the equation, recovering lost energy is a lot more difficult. The idea of being able to catch up on sleep is a silly enough myth to begin with, but when you’re a parent desperate for an energy boost, it’s the straight-up Holy Grail.

So is it true? Are parents doomed to be forever tired? Or is there hope?

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