Tag: children
Parenting Changes You
Part of the reason I started this blog was to prove that it is possible to have kids and keep some semblance of your pre-parent life, and some semblance of your pre-parent personality, and some semblance of your pre-parent vocabulary.
In my case that mostly meant, respectively: going to bars, concerts and movies; being a cynical, sarcastic jerk; and swearing a lot. If you read my blog, you already know I’m still a cynical, sarcastic jerk who swears a lot.
But I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to some attrition. Parenting changes you, that’s obvious. You’re a shell of the person you used to be. I don’t even know who you are anymore.
Now let’s find out how much it has changed me, with a good old-fashioned Q & A!
Parenting Out of Context
A few weeks ago, I questioned whether I am a good parent. My answer was no.
Both before and since I posted that piece, I’ve been told I’m a good dad, by family members, by online acquaintances, by total strangers who read my blog and follow my Facebook page.
But I don’t believe the hype.
Not because they’re wrong; despite my hand-wringing, I’m probably a pretty good dad. (And even if I’m not, it probably doesn’t matter.)
Because they have no idea.
[Image] Circle Jerks
For this week’s edition of Wordless Wednesday, I created a VERY scientific diagram, in which I’ve categorized a few varieties of obnoxious people in order to determine where their behavior overlaps.
Turns out our kids are the biggest circle jerks of all!
Out of Control
On Friday, I wrote about our tendency, as parents, to overvalue our impact on our kids.
We wring our hands over every little thing we do wrong, terrified that the slightest misstep will set our kids on the wrong path. But once you consider how many other influences are out there, you realize that such micromanagement – of our parenting, of their lives – is impossible.
I can’t get my son to do the littlest things right now, why should I think I have the power to get him to do big things when he’s older? I’m all out of control.