The Happiness Problem

The Happiness Problem

My son turned three and half the other day. My wife threw him a little party.

Few things seem so obviously tailor-made for a Dad and Buried rant as the absurdity of half-birthdays. Unfortunately, when my wife got excited about Detective Munch’s mini-milestone, I found myself swept up in half-birthday fever myself, against my better judgment.

Despite my reservations – about spoiling the kid; about rewarding him for nothing; about the fact that his terrible threes haven’t exactly been his behavioral high-point so why the fuck should he get an extra made-up holiday right smack in the middle of it? – I helped celebrate it. Enthusiastically. We gave him a toy truck and a cupcake!

I think I’m part of the problem. I sang “Happy half-birthday” to him, for Christ’s sake.

Read more about The Happiness Problem

Valentine’s Nay

Valentine’s Nay

Valentine’s Day approaches.

Countless couples and would-be couples are, as we speak, scrambling to find romantic ways to mark the occasion. It’s stressful and time-consuming and expensive and, for those without sweethearts, frustrating and pathetic and why does God hate me?!

We all know that in its modern-day incarnation, Valentine’s Day is a holiday propped up by candy companies and card companies and restaurants and Yankee Candle, and yet even those of us who reject the concept often end up making some kind of concession to it, if only so our significant others don’t feel left out when the sheep in the office get flowers and they don’t.

Even the least cynical among us can see through the heart-shaped nonsense to the heartless industry behind it. So why do we get our kids involved?

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[VIDEO] “Try Not Having Kids”

[VIDEO] “Try Not Having Kids”

What I like about the “Try Not Having Kids” video I’ve posted below is that while it’s aggressive in its promotion of the child-free lifestyle, it’s not afraid to make some snarky comments towards the child-free contingent.

I am a strong supporter of people not having kids, and not only in a “you’d make terrible parents” way. I like having friends who don’t have kids. It’s good for parents and non-parents to have exposure to what they’re missing, and there’s no need to pretend both lifestyles don’t have their perks.

But most importantly, the video is pretty funny. And true. Having kids ruins your (old) life.

Read more about [VIDEO] “Try Not Having Kids”

Zombie Post: Are You Ready for Some Football… Posts?

Zombie Post: Are You Ready for Some Football… Posts?

It’s Super Bowl Sunday and I’m about to start cooking drinking. Is tomorrow a holiday yet because let’s be serious! For today’s Zombie post, I was planning to resurrect an old one about why, even though I love watching it, I probably won’t let my kid play organized football. And then I realized that wouldRead more about Zombie Post: Are You Ready for Some Football… Posts?[…]

The Real Truth About Parenting

The Real Truth About Parenting

Lately I’ve been getting push-back on some of the content on my blog. Some people wish I would tone it down a bit.

Unfortunately for those people, I started this blog as an antidote to “toned-down”. I wanted it to be as honest as possible, and, failing that, to exaggerate in the opposite direction, away from “everything is amazing!” and towards “everything sucks!” I’d rather be prepared for the worst than disappointed when it happens, especially since the worst parts of parenthood don’t hold a candle to the best parts. So why sugarcoat stuff that doesn’t need sugar-coating?

But I get it. It makes you sad when I insult my son, even jokingly. You’re worried that this sweet little boy might stumble across my blog and “discover” that his father hates him.

I appreciate your concern, and I’ve decided to address it. I’m going to throw you a bone and write a sincere, heartfelt blog post – hyperbole-free! – to let you know the truth about what my parenting experience is really like.

Read more about The Real Truth About Parenting
