No Kids is Alright

No Kids is Alright

Having kids is not for everyone. After reading my blog, some people might even say it’s not for me. (Some people even have, god bless ’em!)

There are moments when I wonder if it’s right for me, usually when my son is screaming about something and we’re out of beer. But those moments are fleeting.

I’ve always known I wanted to have kids, though I suppose it can be tough to know whether that was a true desire or the kind of checkpoint-based “maturity” and conformity Tyler Durden was so angry about (i.e., it’s just what you do). Fortunately, I knew I’d made the right choice when my son was born and I didn’t have even the slightest urge to split, and that choice is validated every day.

But it is a choice. And there’s nothing wrong with making a different one.

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Parental Sacrifice is Required

Parental Sacrifice is Required, an irreverent site that tackles all manner of movie and television news for genre fans, movie buffs, fan boys and the like, recently posted an editorial called “When Bad Parents Go to the Movies.”

The article is a tad inflammatory and harsh, making gross (literally) assumptions about parents who take their children to movies and thereby ruin the experience for others, but it’s also pretty dead-on. Taking your kids to movies that aren’t appropriate isn’t the best way to win Parent of the Year. But taking young kids to any movie is a dicey proposition.

When you become a parent, going to the movies stops being easy. But that’s the parents’ problem. Let’s not make it everyone else’s.

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Take This Under Advisement, Jerkweed! – Vol. 3

Take This Under Advisement, Jerkweed! – Vol. 3

No one wants my advice. Probably because I don’t know what I’m talking about it. But that will NEVER stop me from providing it, so long as there’s at least one person that asks for some. And there is! Just one, but still. That counts.

I’ve added some questions of my own, in order to fill space and to address some issues I myself have been having trouble with. To avoid confusion and differentiate my questions from actual external questions, I’ve addresses those made-up questions to myself as being from myself. Meta!

(Submit your own questions, at your own risk, here.)

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Judgment Nay

Judgment Nay

Recently, I read a great post on Baltimore Magazine’s “Learning to Crawl” parenting blog. It was essentially a confession from a fellow father that he is a terrible parent.

The post is largely facetious, but only because it was written by a man who has been a parent for five years now. Had it been written prior to his son’s birth, I imagine it would have been a lot more serious. Because before he’d actually had the kid, the guy didn’t know what he was talking about.

His piece is really about the futility of parenting decisions that are made in a vacuum, and I agree with a lot of what he says. Kids aren’t lab rats; in fact, it doesn’t take long for us new parents to realize that we’re the lab rats. We’re the ones being tested. And, as the post enumerates, we’re the ones that are constantly failing.

At least according to all the self-appointed parenting judges out there.

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