Things I Look For In Other Parents

Things I Look For In Other Parents

Can’t we all just get along? Yeah, no. Especially not us parents.

We all parent differently. Even if our general philosophies are the same, we still parent differently, because we’re different people who have unique children. There is no blueprint we all follow because there’s no blueprint period. Real parenting isn’t about planning, it’s about adapting and improvising, and handling all the nonsense your kids throw at you.

So I’m not concerned if other people have different parenting styles from me. I already know nearly everyone does. Even my own wife! But there are a handful of qualities I look for in other parents, qualities that, if you have them, make me confident we’ll get along.

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Second Thoughts About Having A Second Kid

Second Thoughts About Having A Second Kid

A year ago tomorrow, The Hammer was born.

Throughout the past year – well, more like the last six-to-nine months (those first three are pretty uneventful), he’s been a delightful addition to the Buried household, with an infectious smile, infectious laugh, infectious laundry, infectious stomach bugs, infectious insomnia, infectious debt…

No, I don’t regret having a second child. Why do you ask?

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The New Year’s Resolutions Every Parent Wishes Their Kid Made

The New Year’s Resolutions Every Parent Wishes Their Kid Made

We’re only three days into the new year, and if you’re anything like me, you’ve already broken your resolutions. Of course, if you’re exactly like me, you never bothered making any resolutions in the first place because ew.

I’ve never found them helpful, personally, but I do wish I could get Detective Munch to make a few. Despite my best parenting efforts, there are some things he still needs to commit to that would improve quality of life for both of us in 2017!

You’re not gonna believe this, but I went ahead and made a list of them.

Read more about The New Year’s Resolutions Every Parent Wishes Their Kid Made

Thank God For Teachers

Thank God For Teachers

Winter break has arrived. Godspeed, fellow parents!

I don’t know about you, but I’ve come to dread these weeks my kids have off from school. Summer, obviously, is the worst, mostly because it’s the longest. But none of them are particularly fun, as we’re all about to spend the next few weeks finding out!

Why isn’t school year-round again? Thank God for teachers.

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Baby-Proofing Won’t Save You

Baby-Proofing Won’t Save You

This is my second baby, so I’ve been through this all before. I’ve seen things I can’t un-see. But experience isn’t fool-proof. And it’s definitely not baby-proof.

Babies be stupid. Babies be fragile. Babies be trippin’! Baby-proofing won’t save you.

There are so many things that can go wrong when you have a baby in the house, the best thing you can do is try not to think about it too much. Anyway, here’s a list of some of them. Happy holidays!

Read more about Baby-Proofing Won’t Save You
