It’s All Fun and Games…

It’s All Fun and Games…

When you’re a kid, all you want for Christmas, or Hanukkah, or your birthday, are toys. All kinds of toys. Board games, action figures, lightsabers, it barely matters. They’re fun, and they make you happy.

When you’re parent, those same toys become a major source of irritation. They clutter your home, they empty your wallet, they give you a headache…

If you’re lucky.

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What Parents Need

What Parents Need

Yesterday, in advance of Mom and Buried’s upcoming sprinkle, I wrote a list of things I want for baby number two.

Some of them are ridiculous, completely unattainable fantasies, but aside from the booze – and the vasectomy(!) – pretty much all of them were for the baby.

Now that that’s over with, today I’m focusing on what parents need.

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Disciplinary Actions

Disciplinary Actions

It’s not easy to discipline your kids. To get the job done, I think we all try a little bit of everything.

There are countless recommendations out there, infinite cure-alls guaranteed to produce the perfect child IN DAYS! They range from time-outs to reward charts to taking away toys to whining back at them so they can see how ridiculous it feels. But none of them work.

When I discipline my kid, the progression is not so much 1-2-3-MAGIC as it is 9-1-1-HELP!

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Choosing a Baby Name

Choosing a Baby Name

Choosing a name for your kid is never easy. Especially the second time around.

When things are purely hypothetical, it’s a cakewalk. It’s when the timeline starts shrinking that the panic sets in.

Mom and Buried and I had a little trouble the first time, and things haven’t gotten any easier as we approach the third trimester with our second son. In fact, they’ve gotten much harder. Not only do we have to agree again, the name has to fit with the first kid!

If we have a third (NO CHANCE IN HELL), one of us might lose a limb.

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