Horoscopes for Parents

Horoscopes for Parents

I don’t believe in astrology. That’s probably because I’m a Virgo.

I’m sick of looking at stupid fortunes based on whether your folks got it on on New Year’s Eve, Valentine’s, or Bastille Day. They are vague to the point of meaninglessness. But I guess they can be kind of fun, like fortune cookies.

I just wish they were more specific to my role as a parent.

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Is It Bedtime Yet?

Is It Bedtime Yet?

Children will never admit to being tired.

They’ll shake their heads while they’re yawning if they think it will buy them five more minutes of doing whatever stupid bullshit they’re doing. My son hates going to bed more than I hate trying to put my son to bed!

They simply don’t know what’s best for them. So it’s up to us to decide.

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The Chart of Diminishing Returns

The Chart of Diminishing Returns

Kids have an endless capacity for repetition.

I dare you to count how many times yours say “no” or “why” over the course of an afternoon, or how often they want to watch another episode of “Octonauts” or “Rescue Bots”. Sometimes even the same episode!

Children just don’t seem to get sick of things. Parents, on the other hand…

Read more about The Chart of Diminishing Returns



Today’s Wordless Wednesday (with some words) revolves around my son’s current obsession: superheroes.

He’s constantly pretending to be one and frequently enlists me in exciting battles, during which he’s usually wearing a costume and always jumping on my private parts.

While I may occasionally sport a mask or two during these games, he almost always wears a cape.

He has a lot of capes.

Read more about Supermessy
