Kids have an endless capacity for repetition.
I dare you to count how many times yours say “no” or “why” over the course of an afternoon, or how often they want to watch another episode of “Octonauts” or “Rescue Bots”. Sometimes even the same episode!
Children just don’t seem to get sick of things. Parents, on the other hand…
One of the primary joys of parenting is introducing your children to the things you love, whether it be a favorite sport, a favorite band, or a favorite movie.
I love sharing the stuff I grew up with and the things I have a passion for with my son, and I especially love it when he embraces those things. Nothing warms my heart more than hearing my son ask me to watch Superman II again. And again. And again. And again.
Somewhere around the thirtieth straight movie night spent watching the same thing, I start to lose steam. Even if it’s a movie I spent my childhood memorizing just as passionately.
It’s the law of diminishing returns: at some point, even your favorite things can get a little old! At least when you’re an adult.
I’m not sure kids ever hit a ceiling.
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