Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Dad and Buried

Ever wonder if I’m gonna have another kid? (Please.) How I deal with tantrums? (Not well.) What I miss most about my pre-fatherhood life? (Everything!) Well you’re in luck!

In the latest episode of the Dad and Buried Podcast – our 30th, because somehow we’ve been doing this for more than half a year already – my co-host Pete and I answered a ton of questions from listeners. We talked about the first time we met each other, what we’d be doing if we didn’t have kids, our favorite movies, music, and books, I even ranted a bit about Superman, as I’ve been known to do.

We answered everything you always wanted to know about Dad and Buried (and also Pete), because our show thrives on – relies on – input and feedback from our listeners, and we wanted to incorporate you guys even more than we usually do. So have a watch below or listen wherever you get your podcasts (links beneath video), and you’ll even hear me complain about Mom and Buried riding my Instagram coattails!

Episode 30 – Mail-bag Grab-bag!:


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This thing won’t work without YOU! We need your feedback, your input, your insults (Pete-directed only, please), and more. I’ll be asking for questions and comments on my different social channels (follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) and I’ll be incorporating your words into each episode! I might even give you a shout-out!

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