Hitting the Reset Button

Hitting the Reset Button

Five years ago, two weeks before Detective Munch was born, I wrote a post about whether I felt ready to be a parent. I did not feel ready. I knew nothing about babies, and the fact that I thought babies were the hard part proves I knew nothing about parenting.

In that sense, nothing has changed. I still don’t know what I’m doing, and it’s been long enough since I’ve held a newborn and changed a diaper that I might as well be starting over.

Next week, after five years of being a dad and (give-or-take) four years since I’ve had a baby to care for, we’re hitting the reset button.

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Expect the Unexpected

Expect the Unexpected

A kid in my high school biology class once asked our teacher if a woman could give birth to a snake. And we’ve been close friends ever since!

Thankfully, none of Mom and Buried’s ultrasounds have shown a cobra. And I already have a kid. So even though I’m not a biology teacher, and it’s been five years since I’ve had a newborn baby around and I don’t remember much about how to care for one, I have a pretty good idea of what’s coming (sometime in the next two weeks).

Yet despite the fact that I have an existing child on whom to base my expectations for my second baby’s personality and appearance, in reality, I don’t have a clue. And that’s got me pretty excited.

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GOT TODDLERED: Christmas Edition

GOT TODDLERED: Christmas Edition

A few years ago, I created a few memes based around the way my toddler had commandeered different aspects of my life. Little did I know, I had barely seen the tip of the iceberg. But you all knew!

I recently asked for some submissions from my readers of photos that might make good “got toddlered” material. And I got some doozies.

Being as the holiday is only two days away, today’s new “Got Toddlered” is a Christmas edition!

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Payback Time

Payback Time

Detective Munch has been the VIP of my family for the last five years.

He’s the only grandchild my parents have, the only nephew my brothers have, and the only kid Mom and Buried and I have. As such, he’s been living the high life, as the center of attention, the sole attraction, the primary beneficiary. And, mostly, as the getter of the leeway.

But his gravy train is about to crash.

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